Common JEE Preparation Mistakes

Common JEE Preparation Mistakes
Once you finish your JEE Main examination, you must make it a point to visit several websites for getting the possible answer keys to the JEE Advanced papers. However, each year, there are several such JEE Main aspirants who do not get satisfactory results. If you can identify yourself with such aspirants, here are some important tips to help you.
Mistakes that you should avoid making in JEE Main:
  1. Do not miss the school lectures
One of the most serious mistakes that most students make is they do not pay attention to the school lectures. Most students think they will manage the syllabus from the coaching classes. It is important to pay equal attention to your class lectures in school apart from studying the same in the coaching classes. While your school will strengthen your basics and foundations, the coaching classes will teach you the advanced levels of the subjects.
  1. Do not delay your preparation
While it is understood that the board examinations can make your life similar to a pressure cooker situation, if you are serious about cracking the JEE Main, it is important not to delay your JEE Main preparation. Most students often postpone their JEE Main preparation for next time. Unless you change the attitude, it can take a toll on your JEE Main examination.
You should ideally study in a smart manner and think practically about your future. There are online coaching classes available that can be very interesting way to learn a subject. If you are not fond of the traditional and conventional mode of teaching, you can always switch to such online coaching classes and the video lectures to make things interesting for you.
  1. Study regularly
There are many such JEE aspirants who rely and believe on the last minute preparation for cracking the IIT JEE. Instead, to seriously crack the JEE Main examination, you should invest at least 4 hours of studying daily. Don’t skip a day and make sure to study all throughout the week. Build a study planner and follow the same always.
  1. Do not take JEE Main for granted
JEE Main can be rather difficult to crack and so don’t take it lightly at all. Revise your studies and make your way to the top.
  1. Take your mistakes seriously
Learning from mistakes is important to rectify oneself. So even if you make errors while writing the examinations, make sure to rectify yourself the next time and do not repeat the same mistake again.